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Powered by Fremont Bank Foundation, an all-new electric train

All aboard the brand new Electric C.P. Huntington Train locomotive – transporting visitors at the Oakland Zoo deep into the wonders of the Australian Outback and proudly powered by Fremont Bank Foundation.

One wild ride

Fact: People love zoos. In 2023 alone, nearly one million people made a day of visiting the Oakland Zoo. For many of those visitors, the​ Oakland Zoo Express Train is a joyful part of the Zoo experience. The train transports guests to the Wild Australia exhibit to view emus and wallaroos, complete with stunning Bay Area views. That is, when it works.

The occasional maintenance issue for any ride is frustrating. Chronic issues become catastrophic — especially when the train is the only way for visitors to see an entire area of the Zoo and an important revenue source.

The train is one of six attractions and rides responsible for more than $1.5 million annually. These essential funds help ensure the upkeep of the physical structure as well as animal welfare.

In recent years, the ride area, which includes the Tiger Trek rollercoaster and the Conservation Carousel, was plagued by closures. Aging equipment would break down regularly. The staff, occupied with their day-to-day work, had limited time to keep up with constant train troubles.

During the first seven months of 2023, for example, the train sat broken for more than 45 days. Beyond disappointed visitors unable to visit Wild Australia. These kinds of maintenance issues resulted in a loss of up to $150,000 in potential revenue alone.

A chance for a positive charge 

Oakland Zoo knew it was time to make a change. And with change came an opportunity for improved sustainability. Beyond the chronic maintenance issues related to the existing diesel-fueled trains, the Zoo wanted to transition to an all-electric locomotive, which would better align with a mission to care for the planet and its people and animals thanks to reduced harmful emissions. Plus, a new train would free up maintenance team members’ time, and keep the Zoo in line with other Association of Zoo and Aquariums (AZA) accredited zoos introducing all-electric trains on their campuses.

But, capital improvements like an all-new, all-electric locomotive can be cost prohibitive for a nonprofit. While the Oakland Zoo knew it could recapture the costs within two to three years, the initial expense was formidable. Thanks to a long-term relationship with Fremont Bank and Fremont Bank Foundation, the Zoo knew to look to us for help.

We were thrilled to answer this call for the wild. The Zoo crafted a compelling proposal to receive a Fremont Bank Foundation grant of $259,000. The funds went to purchase an Electric C.P. Huntington Train locomotive with battery – and so much more. 

Along with the grant for the new all-electric train which will serve visitors for years to come, other support from the Fremont Bank Foundation meant the Zoo procured several other new vehicles — a train engine, electric car, golf cart for educational programs, and a non-electric bus for field trip transportation. 

Now, visitors can get to those cute wallabies in sustainable, reliable comfort. The collective impact of the multiple grant monies provided also ensures more students can take part in the incredible, inquiry-based science and environmental education programs, Pre-K through University, the Zoo offers.

All in for the Oakland Zoo

This is just one way we keep the Oakland Zoo moving forward. 

Our long-term relationship with the zoo includes serving as their go-to nonprofit banking experts, providing a line of credit for the California Trail, facilitating PPP loans during COVID, and so much more. Read on to see just how wild we are about the Oakland Zoo.